Please leave your comments  and questions here re: our new website totonacbible.org. I will be periodically posting updates and news of the Christian work among the Totonac Indian tribe of central Mexico, and of the web-site for the ministry.


  1. Here is a beautiful example, of how the Holy Spirit spreads the message of Yeshua for forgiveness and salvation to all the Peoples of the World.


  2. Felipe Ramos reports the following in March, 2021:

    Mis queridos amigos y hermanos, en el nombre de Cristo les agradezco mucho
    sus oraciones para este ministerio entre la gente totonaca de México.
    Quiero compartir con ustedes las obras que nuestro Dios está llevando a cabo en
    esta región. Por motivo de la pandemia que llego el año pasado muchos templos fueron
    cerrados, pero algunas misiones en las rancherías aisladas siguieron celebrando los
    servicios, así que varios de los obreros continuaron visitando las congregaciones.
    Gracias a Dios las programas de radio se han seguido transmitiendo los días
    sábados y domingos y como la gente no podía reunirse en los templos, tanto
    evangélicos, católicos y otros empezaron a escuchar el mensaje de Dios por la radio.
    Estuve recibiendo muchas llamadas de gente que estaba escuchando el programa y
    querían saber cómo obtener ejemplares de nuevos testamentos y discos grabados con
    mensajes en totonaco. Les hicimos llegar estos materiales y Dios ha usado su palabra,
    muchos de ellos han recibido a Cristo como su salvador.
    A pesar de que no era recomendado salir, mis hermanos y yo visitamos algunos
    pueblos. Se inició una nueva misión en el pueblo de Ixtepec que queda a unos 40
    minutos de nosotros. Después se abrió otra misión en el pueblo de San Antonio que
    queda a tres horas y media de nosotros, es algo retirado y el camino no está en buenas
    condiciones, pero hasta allá Dios nos dio otra misión. La tercera misión que Dios nos
    dio el año pasado fue en el pueblo de Cuautotola, este lugar queda a dos horas y media
    de nosotros. Alabamos a nuestro Dios por su ayuda y poder, porque a pesar de la
    situación Dios nos está bendiciendo para seguir sembrando su Santa Palabra.
    En estos tres meses que llevamos de este año, Dios nos ha dado otra misión,
    comenzamos reuniones en un lugar llamado Agua Azul, Veracruz.
    Gracias a Dios ahora ya tenemos un edifico donde 10 obreros están recibiendo
    entrenamiento para seguir enseñando la palabra de Dios. Y oramos que muchos más
    obreros de nuestras misiones y pueblo totonaco puedan recibir el entrenamiento bíblico
    para seguir enseñando la palabra de Dios en sus propios pueblos. Gracias amigos y
    hermanos, por favor sigan orando por este ministerio.
    Dios les bendiga,
    Su hermano en Cristo
    Felipe Ramos

  3. My dear friends and brothers, in the name of Christ I thank you much for your prayers for this ministry among the Totonac people of Mexico.

    I want to share with you the works our God is doing in this region. Because of the pandemic that arrived last year many churches were closed, but some missions in the isolated ranches continued holding services so that various workers continued visiting the congregations.

    Thanks to God the radio progams have continued transmitting Saturdays and Sundays, and, as the people could not meet in their temples very many Catholics, Evangelicals, and others began listening to the message of God on the radio. I was receiving many phone calls from the people that were listening to the programs and wanted to know how to obtain a copy of the Totonac New Testament and the recorded discs with messages in Totonac. We were able to deliver these materials and the Lord has used His Word. Many of these have received Christ as their Savior.

    Although it was not recommended we go, my brothers and I visited some villages. A new mission was started in the town of Ixtepec which is 40 minutes from us by car. Later another mission opened up in the village of San Antonio that is three and a half hours from us. San Antonio is in a remote area and the roads are not in good condition, but from there God gave us another mission. The third mission that God gave us last year was in the village of Cuatotola is two and a half hours from us. We praise our Lord for your help and support for despite the situation God is blessing us to continue sowing His Holy Word.

    In the 3 months this year, God has given us another mission. We began meeting in a place called Agua Azul (Blue Water), Veracruz.

    Thanks be to God now we have a building where 10 workers are receiving training to go out teaching the Word of God. And we pray that many more workers from our missions among the Totonac people can receive the Bible training and continue teaching God's Word in their own villages. Thank you friends and brothers. Please keep praying for this ministry.

    God Bless,

    Your brother in Christ,

    Felipe Ramos

  4. Que gusto es leer de las obras que Dios ha establecido por medio de su serviente Felipe, y los demás que sirven en el Totonac Bible Center. Pido al Señor que siga con bendiciones abundantes por este ministerio. ¡Que Dios les bendiga mucho!
    G Pablo Andersen

  5. We are thrilled that a pastor in the village of Calalco, Puebla, MX has chosen to join Felipe's ministry network and provide Aschmann training classes to pastors and leaders in his congregation. Other leaders from the surrounding area are also invited to join. Miguel Garcia will teach 12 students over the period of 12 months for 6 hours a week on Saturday. The Totonac Bible Center will supply a laptop and resources for the class as well as Bibles, CDs and other evangelism materials that we distribute free of charge. We also provide the teacher with support of $1,000 pesos per month which is the total sum of $54 USD monthly. Felipe and one of the Aschmann Center Center teachers are providing assistance and encouragement to Pastor Garcia as he embarks on this new venture. Praise God !!
    Peter Petry, Totonac Bible Center President and Co-Founder

  6. Do the churches and missions now covered by this ministry belong to a specific Mexican "Asociación Religiosa"?

    1. Yes, Felipe Ramos filed legal papers in Mexico City many years ago to form a religious Association called HUA XCAM DIOS XASTACNA (Totonac for The Son of the living God). Each of the member missions must agree with the doctrine statement of the association on file with the Mexican authorities. That doctrinal statement can be found on the totonacbible.org website.

  7. We were happy to celebrate the inauguration of the Herman Aschmann Memorial Training Center On July 16 of this year. We currently have 32 students training to be pastors and leaders. 11 come weekly to the training center. The others study at remote locations by zoom or phone depending on internet or cell phone availability. Teacher Miguel Garcia , of course, meets with his 11 students in his home church building in Calalco.

    Also, Felipe and Jaime Leal are working with Gorgonio Cabrera in Las Lomas, Veracruz to start another remote training center with a local group there. Gorgonio is seminary trained and has a desire to teach others about Christ. Thank God the Holy Spirit for moving on men and women to serve Him in in this region. The Las Lomas area is highly populated and the location of 5 or 6 developed congregations under the care of Silvestre Perez.


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